Looking for guidance and  support on your Spiritual Journey? 

Spiritual awakening is the result of an insight, epiphany, sometimes caused by a crisis, trauma or major life change. In the moment we question the purpose and meaning of life, we begin our journey to understanding the higher self as opposed to the ego self we have identified with.

Spiritual awakening can cause feelings of loneliness, depression, and confusion. As your soul seeks to express itself and true nature, the battle to break the illusions of the ego and programming of the material world begins.

While a very individual journey, you can accelerate your growth and expand your understanding in a safe environment in the Expanded Insights For Your Spiritual Path of Awakening Group Coaching Program.


Have you been seeking answers on how to navigate life in a powerful way with Spiritual Intelligence?

The Expanded Insights Group Coaching Program gives you the guidance and support to:

  • Develop your Spiritual Intelligence SQ, the unifying force of Cognitive Intelligence IQ, Emotional Intelligence EQ, Physical Intelligence PQ.
  • Emerge from a Dark Night of the Soul
  • Create a Conscious, Intentional Life of Love, Joy, and Passion 
  • Deepen your Connection to Guidance from your higher-self and Source Energy/Spirit
  • Healing the shadows and moving beyond ego
  • Live from the heart, guided by your highest calling, path, and purpose.
  • Recognize and Develop Your Intuition
  • Shielding, protection, and boundaries from outside energies.

EXPANDED INSIGHTS was formed to create an affordable way for those on their spiritual awakening journey to receive help and guidance. Bernadette Gold is a Clairvoyant Spiritual Advisor and Teacher that has been helping others since 2000.

In my book ‘The Crooked Path to a Charmed Life” I outlined the ‘Dark Night of the soul” that many experience upon awakening.

When you experience an awakening and realize that you’re so much more than human, so much more than your physical body, a cascade of light releases, and your understanding is expanded. Once your knowledge expands, everything you gave meaning to in the past is gone, and your present reality shatters. So, whatever triggers an awakening for you will impart an existential understanding that you Spirit, made from Source Energy.

Awakening can happen when you realize that you’re not your material things, job title, or role in the family. This awakening is your true self saying, “I’m not my ego, my body, and I’m not my looks, or what’s in my bank account, I’m not any of the things I’ve used to identify myself.” One of the biggest hurdles to overcome in our thinking is, you aren’t your story, experiences you’ve had, and certainly not the judgments from others. You’re not even the labels that mental health professionals have given you. You are so much more than your past and your cumulative experiences, no matter your age. If you haven’t had an awakening and you’re just now starting to dip your toes in the water, don’t stop there; there’s so much more for you to become.

When things no longer hold the same meaning as before, your ego is put in check because of its attachment to all those “things.” People often mistake the “Dark Night of the soul” for depression for a good reason. You are suddenly in unfamiliar territory, stripped of identity, of all the things that you thought you knew. It brings a new awareness, and while it’s super exciting, it’s uncomfortable because you haven’t been living that way. Once everything you gave meaning to no longer has any purpose, the ego begins fighting you tooth and nail, attempting to return to what is known. Experiencing a “Dark Night of the soul” can present all the mental and physical symptoms of depression and anxiety.

During a “Dark Night of the soul,” I found myself asking, “Now what?” as I entered a “void.” Spirit explained the “void” as a phase we can get stuck in, unaware it’s a space to create anew; it can be highly uncomfortable energy. Some people will get stuck there for months or even years. It is challenging because you don’t know where to put meaning, and while it's only the beginning stages of awakening, you have no past reference to navigate it. You’re in what feels like unfamiliar territory of an unknown emotional, mental and spiritual plane. It will affect you physically if you don’t continue moving forward on your journey.


Six Live Sessions on Zoom, Get the support you need without leaving home.

Tuesdays at 5pm Pac/8pm Eastern


Watch the Replay even if you miss the Live Session. Access to the replays for 12 weeks. 



Group dynamics offers you the ability to learn from others that are on a Spiritual Journey. 

Some Topics of Focus:

  • Topics and questions that are related to practical spirituality.
  • Self-growth and development.
  • Healing self and inner child.
  • Spiritual practices and belief systems
  • Discernment Spirit vs Ego
  • Psychic and Spiritual Attack
  • Forgiveness and Love
  • Overcoming Fear, Anxiety, and Depression
  • Finding meaning and purpose
  • Navigating the subtle realms and spirit realms without fear
  • Embracing and owning your power

Group participation and questions will ultimately drive the topics of each session. 

Please Note:

This is not the place to receive a personal psychic reading.  While all guidance is offered using Bernadette's psychic gifts, it is for the purpose of teaching and support for the group collective. If you want a private psychic reading, you can book on her session page.



In addition to participating in the Live Sessions, you will have access to all replays for 12 weeks.

Please note: This is a Group Coaching program, there are no study materials provided.